Friday, March 22, 2019

Cameron Pics Overload

I've made a concerted effort to not deprive Cameron of his share of pictures just because he's the third child. However, he probably won't get the detailed blog posts I've done previously. Enjoy the photo dump of the past (almost) 4 months.

Cameron is an angel and I tell him that every day. He is by far the most enjoyable baby I've had. He's almost always good for a smile. He usually sleeps through the night and during church. He has recently found his hands and continues to explore his voice through coos and giggles. The big boys love picking out his clothes and pushing all the music buttons on his toys for him. 


  1. I can't wait to meet him in person. You deserved an easy baby!

  2. Oh, Cameron---everybody loves you. Probably because when we smile at you, you smile back. You are a prrecious angel.
