Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Enjoying Life

Life is so mentally taxing. I don't always love my seemingly endless, mundane life even though I'm doing what I always pictured myself doing for my whole life, and loving. It's really hard to put so much of my focus into hooligans who hardly care to show appreciation or respect to me--the person who birthed their body and regularly sacrifices my own wants to make them happier. I do everything for these boys. It's hard to remember that I'm doing a good job even if they're not doing what I've asked, and that they're doing a good job, too, even if their age and personalities prevent them from acting exactly how I'd like them to all the time. It's a mental struggle. Sometimes it's physically hard, too, but usually it's more mental. I bought myself flowers today. If the boys don't show me respect, then at least I can show it to myself.

This is half a day's worth of drool. And he's more often in one sock than two, intentionally.

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